Ted's Blog

Saskatchewan Introduces Ticketing System For Certain Workplace Safety Violations

\Saskatchewan employers who violate certain occupational health and safety laws may be issued a Summary Offence Ticket, which carry fines ranging from $250 to $1,000, depending on the offence (plus victim surcharges).

According to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety, these tickets are intended to avoid time-consuming and costly prosecutions, while serving as a deterrent to those who are non-compliant with occupational health and safety laws in Saskatchewan workplaces.

Two designated Occupational Health Officers will be issuing tickets for the 12 ticketable offences, which include failing to ensure that workers use personal protective equipment ($1,000); failing to ensure that workers use a fall protection system where a worker may fall three metres or more ($1,000); failing to submit a written progress report ($600); and failing to ensure that any opening or hole is covered and clearly marked or otherwise protected ($1,000).

It is likely that most tickets will be issued to employers, contractors, owners, self-employed persons and suppliers. There is one offence that applies to workers: clear failure to use personal protective equipment that has been provided by the employer ($250). However, a worker will be ticketed only after the officer determines that the employer provided the worker with the correct PPE, adequately trained the worker on its use, and the worker disobeyed clear direction to use the PPE.

These safety tickets are like speeding tickets – they will typically be issued either on the spot or sent by mail after an officer has assessed the situation and facts on the ground. Further, everyone who receives a ticket has the right to challenge it in court.

The government indicates that before issuing tickets, officers will assess the severity of the situation and will first try to use other tools, including Compliance Undertakings, Officer's Reports, Notices of Contravention and Stop Work Orders. Further, tickets will only be issued where all other avenues to ensure compliance with health and safety in the workplace have been exhausted or are ineffective.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety has prepared an overview of Summary Offence Ticketing.

Note: This is a reprint of an article by Chelsea Rasmussen of Dentons (Canada).