You can use your credit card to pay your outstanding account. Send us an e-mail at with the:
If you use on-line banking, you can use e-Transfer for payment of your outstanding account and deposits to trust. You e-transfer to Let us know the answer to the security question you have used.
If you prefer to use PayPal, just use the box below.
- name on the card;
- card number;
- expiry date;
- three digit code on back of the card; and
- amount authorized.
If you use on-line banking, you can use e-Transfer for payment of your outstanding account and deposits to trust. You e-transfer to Let us know the answer to the security question you have used.
If you prefer to use PayPal, just use the box below.
All payments secured by PayPal
#3, 501 Gray Ave., Saskatoon, SK. S7N 2H8
[T] 306-242-8478 / [E]