
Instructions for use:

  • Pick the file that you are looking for, click on it and it will open in your browser;
  • once opened, complete the form; and
  • once completed, print, scan and e-mail to Koskie | Law.
Prior to taking possession, the home buyer should conduct an inspection. Check to determine if the property and its systems are in the same condition (or repaired satisfactorily) as when you last visited the property. Use your appraisal and home inspection reports (if any) and this general checklist. It is not meant to be exhaustive. It is designed to "twig" your mind to things to look for.
This document was approved by the Real Estate Committee for the Law Society of Saskatchewan. It is a standard form Offer to Purchase for use by lawyers in Saskatchewan. It is intended to be a document that affords a reasonable measure of protection to a purchaser. It should be modified to accommodate unique circumstances.