Ted's Blog

Koskie Gets Waghorn Caricature

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It has been said the ultimate prize is a Kerry Waghorn original caricature. I have the distinct pleasure to now possess one. Thank you Kerry.
Kerry Waghorn

Kerry Waghorn is the most accomplished caricaturist in the world. His Faces in the News feature is a 30+ year journalistic legend, honoured in 2007 with a feature article in Editor & Publisher. Kerry Waghorn caricatures have appeared in more than 400 publications in about 60 countries around the world. Among the journals that have published his inimitable creations are the Miami Herald, Boston Globe, Chicago Sun-Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, New York Daily News, Atlanta Journal, Montreal Gazette, Vancouver Sun, Japan Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Hamilton Bermuda Business, Korea Times and New Zealand Herald. Included among the more familiar personalities who have acquired caricatures by Waghorn are Tom Selleck, Chevy Chase, Michael Ovitz, Bryan Adams, Billy Joel, Bruce Willis, David Bowie, Michael Eisner, Malcolm Forbes, Michael Jackson and numerous world political leaders.