How to Make a Great Last Impression
Studies show that people remember the beginning of something, and the end of it, the best. The middle of it is recalled a little more hazily. Once a novel experience starts, your brain really starts focusing on what’s going on and quickly makes judgements about the new people you meet. And you clearly remember the last part of an experience, because it ends up being the freshest in your memory. Given this phenomenon, people understandably spend a lot of time thinking about how to make a great first impression — which indeed has an outsized influence on how people see you, lasting for even months after you’ve gotten to know them. But the other part of the equation is frequently ignored, though it’s also important. You not only want to make a dynamite first impression, you want to make a great last impression too.
The article expands on the following tips on how to improve the last impression you make in both business and social situations:
- Gather your belongings in your left hand.
- Make physical contact twice before leaving.
- End with eye contact and a smile.
- Thank the person twice.
- Make sure you have all your belongings.
- Move with intent.
- Send a follow-up text/thank you note.
It is well worth reading.